Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top 10 reasons why I love Liam Payne

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Liam Payne is considered the most mature lad from One Direction. He sings much of the lead on their songs. He rocks :) He's my friends Kaitlyn's fave...so I won't get TOO awkward...hehe hi Kaitlyn ;)

1) He has a loooooovely voice *swoon*
2) He has a strange phobia of spoons...which I think is adorable :)
3) He's mature-he's the "daddy" awwww
4) He only has one kidney! How cool is that?!?!
5) He's nice and sweet <3
6) I really dig his name. It's brilLIAM hehe
7) He plays the piano! Just like me!!!! :D
8) He has the most ADORABLE dog!
9) His favorite color is purple....ALSO like me :)))
10) He does a really good impersonation of Zayn haha makes me laugh
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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Louis Tomlinson

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Louis Tomlinson is the oldest member of One Direction. He's my friend Jessica's favorite :)

1) He is soooooo funny!!!! Especially from the video diaries
2) He wears braces! (what British people call suspenders)
3) His fashion sense is awesome. I like to dress like him at school ;)
4) His distinct voice drives me buggy! (in a good way;)
5) His solo in "Moments" is so breathtaking I listen to it over and over!!!!!!
6) His wavy hair
7) His striped shirts
8) He wears bright colored pants! So cool :)
9) He's got the largest biceps in the group...thats all I can say...

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10) He wears Toms
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