So...I was thinking that I should write about some groovy stuff, since my blog is called "Alyssa's Groovy Blog". I've been to some really radical concerts!!!!!! :))) Some have been totally random, and others have been just downright awesome!
Back in my country music days, I went to see Toby Keith. My brothers were nice enough to take me and they got me a keychain. Thanks guys :) My brother Brad also took me to see Miranda Lambert.
More recently, I've been to 2 Osmond Brother concerts. The first was April 30, 2010...Merrill's birthday. He had a cold and he gave me a cold because he gave me a hug :) that was the best sickness I have ever had. <3 I also had the experience to meet Jay Osmond and Wayne Osmond that same night! They were so nice....well, they kinda had to be since me mum went yelling at them "MY DAUGHTER IS HAVING SURGERY!!! CAN SHE PLEASE HAVE HER PICTURE TAKEN WITH YOU!!!!" embarrassing...I love you mum:) That concert totally made my life. The second Osmond Brothers concert I went to was on December 3, 2011. That concert was super cool because we got to sit super close to the stage :D
I have also been to numerous religious Steve Green concerts and Mark Lowry concerts/the Gaithers.
Franki Valley is a very talented performer! He is 78 and his voice is still reaaaaally good! My family went to his concert with my Aunt Sandy and we also saw my Uncle Jeff and Aunt Barb there too! That concert was pretty nifty because we had some sweet seats in the balcony close to the stage. It was so cool being able to see a legend like that perform!
My most recent concert was the Grass Roots, the Buckinghams, and....wait for it....PETER NOONE!!!!!!!!! of Herman's Hermits. He is a very cheeky British man. That concert do I say experience. Dude, that man is crazy! He jumps all over the place! Man, that concert was great. It got kinda awkward at some points because of the pelvic thrusting and bad language...haha soooooo uncomfortable for my dad and brother. lol. ANYWAYS. So, I really wanted to meet Peter, so me mum and I got out of our seats at the last song so we could get first in line to meet him. We were in line, and I was getting nervous, therefore I really needed to go to the bathroom. Peter was still singing his last song so I thought I would be OK...I thought wrong. By the time I was finished, there was a giant mob of people in the lobby! I quickly pushed my way through the crowd over to the line. Now there was a red rope that seperated me and me mum who was in the line. Me mum asked a gentlemen if I could go underneath the rope to get back in line, and explained to him the whole situation....he said no...but then looked at me in my '60s bellbottoms and poncho and finally agreed. I went under the rope by me mum and I asked if Peter was out yet. Me mum said "look", I turned around and he was RIGHT behind me. Now was the point when I could speak no longer. I was definitely star struck. He said hello in his adorable British accent and said "oh, you'd better stand next to me, that nice lady is trying to take our picture". Me mum shakily held up her camera and took a picture of us. Haha, she wasn't satisfied with how Peter looked in the picture so she told him "oh, you look bug eyed in that one, let's take another" so she did...which that one didn't turn out great either because he was in the middle of talking haha...I love him. Me mum, of course, then had to inform him that it was my birthday in a few days. I had him sign my Peter Noone shirt that I had just purchased, I shyly said thank you, and happily walked away. That was a great night <3
My 3 dream concerts would be to go see either One Direction, Barry Gibb, or Donny Osmond. Those are my 3 concerts that would just TOTALLY make my whole life. :D Obviously you can tell from this post that I looooove going to concerts! I just love the music and love the people. I hope to go to many more concerts in my lifetime.
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