Thursday, May 2, 2013

Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Zayn Malik

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Zayn is sooooooo cool. Like seriously, if Zayn wasn't in One Direction, the group would be less's so true. So Zayn is totally my friend Annie's favorite! Haha, not really. She just thought he was the most attractive...kinda. Shout out to Annie!!! :D

1) His jawline=perfection...oh, it's so beautiful
2) His smooth voice that makes me have goosebumps
3) His gorgeous, dark hair
4) He says "Vas Happenin'?"
5) He is definitely a sharp dressed man...especially in a tux :) niiiiice
6) I must admit, he has some pretty baller tattoos...he's such a bad boy ;)
7) He's funny
8) He's part British, part Pakistani
9) His favorite food is chicken! It's meant to be :)
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10) He drinks Red Bull...which I've only had once...but it tasted really good!
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  1. I know so much more about zayn now!!! your blog is so educational!!!!!

  2. would it be considered rude to inquire what you plan on writing about after 1D???
